The Aresel platform is a civic initiative in the year 2018, as an effect of one of the biggest protests against racism organized in Romania against the weak participation and political representations of Roma citizens.

Aresel is a politically unrelated platform, the objective of which is to combat racism and social, political and economic inequalities between Roma and the rest of the population. Next, meetings with members of Roma communities in almost all of the country are our priority because, within them, the real needs of the communities are being debated. Members of the communities propose ideas for changing the situations in which communities are found, ideas that turn into campaigns of the Aresel platform.

So far, our actions have received the support of over 60,000 people, becoming the largest proactive Roma community. The Aresel platform supports the participation and public involvement of Roma communities throughout the country.

We want to put public pressure on the authorities whenever necessary, so that they respect their legal duties towards all citizens, regardless of ethnicity.


Our mission is to encourage and support the involvement and public participation of Roma. We call on the decency authorities in relations with Roma and public policies to improve the situation of Roma communities.


We want to live worthilyin a country that treats all citizens equally, regardless of ethnicity or skin color.


We believe that only through solidarity and Active we can produce the change that is needed in society. On this road, it guides us Responsibility to our ancestors who have endured centuries of slavery, but also caring for future generations.

How We work

Ținem legătura cu activiști locali și împuternicim comunitățile să-și ceară drepturile
Lucrăm la firul ierbii, în peste 74 de comunități rome de pe întreg teritoriul României
Tragem la răspundere autoritățile publice și le obligăm să-și facă treaba prin presiune colectivă
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Creăm cea mai mare comunitate de romi, care se implică activ în campaniile noastre

Meet the Team

Adrian Pîrvu
Social Media Junior
Adrian Tudor
Graphic Designer, Campaigner
Alin Banu
Community organizer
Ancuța Luminița
Backoffice support
Ciprian Necula
Aresel Coordinator
Francisca Răuț
Community Organizer
Livia Martin
Content writer, Social Media
Mihai Preda
Financial Manager
Nicu Dumitru
Community Organizer
Raluca Veștemeanu
Digital Campaigns Consultant